miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

I found this exercise 'a long time ago' in an interesting document.

Try to decide wether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

  1. An expensive test is not practical.
  2. One of the sources of unreliability of a test is the school.
  3. Students, raters, the test, and the administration of it may affect the test's reliability.
  4. In indirect tests, students do not actually perform the task.
  5. If students are aware of what is being tested when they take a test, and think that the questions are appropriate, the test has face validity.
  6. Face validity can be tested empirically.
  7. Diagnosing strengths and weaknesses of students in language learning is a facet of washback.
  8. One way of achieving authenticity in testing is to use simplified language.

I tried to organize the key concepts of the Principles of Language Assessment. I'm receiving suggetions to make it better.